British International Investment

Gender, diversity and inclusion

We are using our role to drive inclusive outcomes


At the heart of building sustainable and inclusive businesses lies the need to advance gender equality through women’s economic empowerment.

We recognise the barriers women in our markets face, and we’re committed to using our role as an investor to help close the gaps between men and women, as well as demonstrating the social and economic value of investing in women to the wider investment industry.

We focus on women’s role as leaders, employees, entrepreneurs, suppliers, customers and community members. Over the next five years, we have set a target for 25 per cent of all new investments to qualify under the 2X Challenge, the initiative to empower women’s economic development. 

We have also set out our ambition to invest for broader diversity outcomes over the next five years, including increasing the representation of black African-owned and led businesses in our sub-Saharan Africa portfolio. 

Find out more about our approach and how we work with companies on gender here.

Visit our Gender Toolkit for tools and resources on gender-smart investing and gender diversity.

The opportunity is clear


Of senior managers in the private sector in Africa are women.


Of SMEs in emerging markets are owned by women - a $320 billion opportunity.


On average, women earn 60-75% of men's wages.

$15 tn

The amount controlled by female consumers worldwide.

Key contacts

Sonia Jordan-Kirwan

Head of Gender and Diversity Finance

Amal-Lee Amin

Managing Director and Head of Climate, Diversity and Advisory

Read our Annual Review 2022